Tag Archives: green gardening

Garden Like A Local by Michelle

Bio•di•ver•si•ty is variability of living organisms within a community; this includes diversity within a species and between species.

An eco•sys•tem is a community of plants, animals, and smaller organisms that live, feed, reproduce, and interact in the same area.

There are a few things to keep in mind while planning a garden. It takes time and effort to maintain living things! Maintenance is simple if we plant the right things. Have you ever considered growing a California native garden? California native plants are adjusted to our climate so they don’t use more water or nutrients than the ecosystem can provide. Native plants promote biodiversity, which is critical to maintain our ecosystems. The presence of diverse organisms allows inputs to equal outputs, whether it’s water, nutrients, or food supply. The smallest changes amount to large impacts. Think about what happens when we introduce non-native, invasive plants into an ecosystem. A great website for learning about native plants vs. invasive plants is the California Native Plant Society. Visit http://www.cnps.org. While you’re at it, check out this local non-profit nursery in SLO that sells CA natives: www.growinggroundsfarm.org. Plant a native garden, sit back, and watch it grow!

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